Excellence is a visible and noticeable factor of the RUDOLPH brand.
Excellence is a journey without an absolute destination. We will never achieve perfection because we know that there will always be opportunities for improvement, and often, only by taking a step can we see the next ones.
Thus we have walked: always towards Excellence in who we are and in what we do.
Continuous improvement is a daily practice, a goal that we will not achieve, but one that we must always pursue.
“The pleasure of working at RUDOLPH does not come from comparison. It comes from advancement.” – Joimir Lorenzi, Diretor de Operações Rudolph Europa, Gestor de Engenharia e Qualidade Rudolph Brasil.
High Value Chain
We create value by managing and integrating processes, adding the project development, suppliers and logistics to our excellence in machining
To meet the diverse needs of clients and market demands, our industrial park has more than 150 equipment, in constant transformation and technological evolution.
Our manufacturing processes rely on extensive and customized solutions. Machining with single-spindle, multi-spindle lathes and moving heads, horizontal centers, vertical centers and grinding. Assembly processes, heat treatment, surface treatment, among others.
We create and deliver complete solutions in mechanical systems, from the simplest to the most complex.
Customized to the needs of each manufacturing process and developed to meet the most stringent quality requirements, our laboratories have: MMC, circularimeter, profilometer, optical measurement, X-ray for layer medication, applied metallography, micro hardness, microscopy, ogives, endoscope, micrometer columns, measuring arm, among other equipment.
We take care of our people, so they take care of our business.
Our relationships are based on transparency and trust. We stimulate autonomy, creativity, innovation and team spirit. We sow a spontaneous, friendly and happy environment.
Our environments are embraced by our gardens and orchards. There are more than 400 species and 170 thousand m2 of preserved Atlantic Forest.
The excellence we practice daily has a clear goal: toa better version of ourselves, every day, every month, every quarter, every year.
Thus we guarantee innovation and continuous improvement in our deliveries.
We do this by answering four recurring questions:
. How do we improve our products and services?
. How do we improve our processes?
. How do we improve our culture?
. How do we improve ourselves?